Chinese 35th BC Hongshan Culture Red Pottery Terracotta Figure of Standing Pregnant Woman

  The photo is the image of two Hongshan Culture pregnant woman red pottery figures, excavated in Dongshan Tzui,
Kotzuo County, Liaoning Province, China, 1982 AD, and collected by the Museum of Liaoning Province.


The photo is the image of a Hongshan Culture pregnant woman jade figure that introduced in the book
"Hongshan Culture-Great Find in Chinese Archaeology" by Liu Dongchin, Inner
Inner Mongolia University Publishing Company, China, Sep./2002 AD.


The photos are the images of Mongolian people, form 2nd BC to the modern time.
The left one, the image of a Mongolian soldier pottery face that excavated from the tomb of Hanzhindi ( the Emperor of Hanzhin, 
ruled China 156 BC to 141 BC, Western Han dynasty). 
The right one is the image of Genghis Khan (1162-1227 AD, the founder of Yuan dynasty), from the collection painting 
of the National Palace Museum, Taipei.


The two photos are the images of modern Mongolian women in traditional dressing.
The photos from Inner Mongolia Travel on line.


The photo is the image of part of collections of the original collector, included the listing figure and some Neolithic period stone tools.